Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2 month Check up

Olivia went to the Dr.'s about a week ago for her two-month check up. She is getting so big and Dr. Johnson couldn't believe how happy and strong she was. Her stats were Height: 23.1", weight: 11.5 and her head was 14.6. She's in the 80% for her height, 75% for her weight and 15% for her head. She for sure got her dad's head, super small! She also got her first set of vaccines which she was a little trooper about. She did a lot better then I did, I left the doctors office pretty much in tears and she was looking at me like why are you crying. I can't believe two months have gone by, they go so fast and I just want it to slow down.
Pictures to come

1 comment:

Jen said...

When will we see you again? I need to get my Olivia fix.